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Showing posts from February, 2012

You can call me Mommy-angelo!

My kid must think I have these amazing artistic abilities. I do not. At all. But surprisingly, after months of drawing on demand, I was feeling pretty confident about my skills. That is, until this morning. "Mommy, draw fish" *I Draw a fish* "Mommy, draw baseball" *I draw a baseball* "Mommy draw dinosaur" *I draw something that looks like a dog, with stegosaurus plates on it's back. He even gives me a look saying that it clearly did not look like a dino, but he will let it slide.* "Mommy draw a jelly fish." *oh good, something easy after that dinosaur debacle* "Mommy draw Elmo." *yep, I can draw Elmo with my eyes closed* "Mommy draw feet." *Yes! Another easy one!* "Mommy draw racecar." *eek. I draw one with terrible aerodynamics.* "Draw Daddy" *I Draw a stick figure* "Draw Hannah" *The only difference between Hannah and Daddy is that Hannah has longer hair and is wearing pea...

Not in my job description!

I don't know about you, but nobody told me that when you become a mom, poo becomes a major part of every day life. I now know so much more about poo (as it relates to my children) than I would have ever thought possible. I know how much, how often, time of day, color, smell and consistency that is normal. When things look off, I investigate. If I had a magnifying glass, I would use it. And I don't mind doing this by the way. It is almost automatic. Take the diaper off, clean the kid up, double check the poo. Maybe I am crazy, and the only mom who does this. It does have its benefits though. My studies have shown that my Anthony does not chew some foods as thoroughly as he should, and that some fruits and veggies have quite the effect on color (think carrots and blueberries). Studies have also shown that Lukie eats anything he can fit in his mouth. I have had my share of googly eyes staring right back at me from inside that diaper. So now I can encourage Anthony to chew those ...

The Naptime Monologues

Sometimes when naptime rolls around, Anthony is not tired. He is required, tired or not, to stay in his room for an hour. 99% of the time, he sleeps for almost 2 hours. Today, he is just talking to himself. For my (and maybe your) amusement, I am just going to start writing what he is saying, in real time. "I want more milk. I want chocolate. Can I have chocolate please? How 'bout chocolate milk? 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, uhhh what's after 14? Hmm... 15. That's right 15. Z is for zebra! See that Zebra?? I see a Zebra! Where? Right there! Stay in bed. Listen to mommy. Obey Mommy. Obey Daddy. Obey Hannah. Daddy's working. I want to go play soccer. *counts from 1-50* Can I have a kiwi please? I find a sock. YAY!!! I FIND IT! The mommy's on the bus says 'shh shh shh shh shh shh all thouuugh town. Hey guess what? I wanna play baseball. Bay (baby) Luke funny! dou-ble-u! W! W! W! I got it! Where? There it is! It's time to pla...

You ARE the mother!

Anthony is just like me in a few ways: *His obsession with letters. I was obsessed too. *His knack for memorizing and reciting stories at random times. I remember doing this as a little kid. *His love for game shows. You can often hear him saying "A-nee Johnson, COME ON DOOOWWWWN!!!!" A la, the Price is Right. He also loves seeing the "big deal of the day" and his favorite show is still, Wheel of Fortune. He gets this from me. Who knew interest in seeing people win stuff is hereditary? Now in case I had any doubts about the maternity of my child, this is probably the most telling: *He is currently running around the house yelling "I love chicken! I love chicken!!! Me too, kid. Me too.

And it begins...

The boys are in their room, and they're supposed to be falling asleep. Instead all I hear is hysterical laughter. Hysterical baby laughter and squeals mixed with the giggling of a toddler. Every minute or two Anthony yells out... "Mommy! Baby Luke funny!!" And ... "Goodnight, baby Luke!" The goodnight announcement is then followed by more giggles from Luke, and laughs from Anthony. Ian and I are laughing at them laughing. hahaha! I just love how they are interacting more and more. Brotherly bonding. Becoming a little team. Now GO TO BED! :P

Spring in February

We haven't really been having much of a winter, and I do not mind one bit. Today was cooler than it has been the past couple of days. Mid 40s, which is still nice in February! The boys and I have been taking advantage of this weather. It can be difficult to work around Luke's nap schedule, but we have been making time to play baseball. Baseball is Anthony's newest obsession. He could spend the better part of an hour doing nothing but hitting anything he can, with a baseball bat. It took a couple of casualties (unfortunately one of those being the back of poor Lukie-bear's head) before I got with the program and decided to enforce a strict "no baseball bats in the house" policy. All he talks about anymore is going outside to play with his baseball bat. And he can actually hit the ball when i pitch it to him. He is certainly a lefty. I cannot wait to get him in to T-ball! Although, I think you have to be 4 years old to start that. Still a long while away. Ye...