Today Anthony had his very first T-Ball game! It was so adorable, and hilarious. Kids are so cute. One kid actually hit the ball, then ran out into the field, grabbed it and threw it to first base. I felt like we were in a Disney movie. Here are some pictures of the fun!

Anthony is so excited to be #1!!!
He cracked everyone up. Right before he was getting ready to hit, he tells everyone "I'm about to BLAST this ball!" hahaha!!!
Running to home plate!
Don't ask me how, but Ian got roped in to coaching the team. hahaha! Should be fun!
Lukie was hilarious. One moment, he was playing on the big hill, the next minute he snuck in line and had a batting helmet on, trying to get a swing in.
He was not happy when I explained to him that we couldn't play.
Kayli came to watch!
& Shannon found out (the hard way) that hills + slippy shoes, don't mix too well:
Who says crab-walking isn't a useful skill?
This is why we are friends, by the way. A woman not afraid to crab-walk down a hill in public is someone who is obviously a kindred spirit of mine. (Although I would have just taken off the slippy shoes and gotten my feet all gross walking in the dirt. hahaha.)
What a fun way to spend a beautiful day! Anthony had a blast, and made some new friends.
This not only made my day but has made my week!! I totally feel the enjoyment you are feeling baby girl!!! I know Anthony had a great time and Lukie Bear is next in line! You and Shannon are just too funny:)