Well it has been quite some time since I last updated. I guess the biggest change withi
n that time is the fact that we are expecting a third little blessing in January! We are really excited, and I would be lying if I said I am not at all anxious about what life with three little ones is going to look like. Me and Ian were playing with the kids last night. Ian was wrestling with Anthony while Luke was picking on me (stealing my glasses, trying to put his hat on my head, climbing all over me, etc). All of a sudden we both had the same though at the same time. "Where is #3 going to be in this mix?" I think it will be impossible to get my mind around until after he/she (probably he though. Just a feeling) is here.
So I am 12 weeks and this pregnancy is nearly identicle to my other two. I think it is more similar to my first pregnancy though. I am probably going to gain a lot of weight. Expecting 35ish lbs again which I am ok with.(I only gained 18lbs with Luke) I am pregnant! I am not crazy about my weight when I am not pregnant, so I can't expect myself to be crazy about it now. As long as I am eating balanced meals, and not overdoing it on junk,then I am fine with whatever happens. I am dealing with a lot of headaches and aversion to smells. Very similar to my first.
Anyway, I ask Anthony all the time if he thinks the baby is a boy or girl, and what we should name it. He always says boy, and his names include Fourty-Six, Goy, baby mommy, and my personal favorite, Pork Chop.
Reading books with Anthony is always fun. He is becoming so hilarious. When we get to certain pictures he points and yells "Daddy" over and over again. First, here is an actual picture of my husband: (that's me in there too) This is Daddy #1. Yup, It's Ramses from "The Prince of Egypt." I can see the resemblance! If Ian had hair, he would certainly wear it in a ponytail with gold embellishments. The medallion around his neck is something he would wear too. And he is always shirtless, especially when in a grueling horse race! This Daddy could beat up your daddy any day! Here is Daddy #2, from "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" This must be a different side of Daddy than Ramses portrays. This Daddy is pensive, with kind eyes. He is daydreaming about something wonderful (probably mommy) and always has something nice to say. I think this one looks a lot more like my husband! So because when we get to the end of this "Brown Bea...
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