At this very moment, Anthony is riding around on his Lightening McQueen car fake crying. He stops, says (very dramatically) "I don't waaaaaanna cry," and puts his head in his hands and continues to fake cry. He clearly thinks this is hilarious because he looks at me and giggles after each "episode". Where does he get this stuff?
Also, at this moment, Lukie is attempting to eat a paper towel. Don't worry, I stopped him and he is not happy about it. So now I have one fake crying, and one crying over his lack of paper towel ingestion.
Just a little life snapshot to share!
Also, at this moment, Lukie is attempting to eat a paper towel. Don't worry, I stopped him and he is not happy about it. So now I have one fake crying, and one crying over his lack of paper towel ingestion.
Just a little life snapshot to share!
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