Oh my. Lukie's personality is certainly starting to shine! He is hilarious!!! What I find the funniest is that he is very unintentionally destructive. He grabs everything, spills everything, and throws things around without a second thought, or concern for where it goes. It is so funny. I call him my little wrecking ball. He does not think about consequences (not that I would expect a 6 month old to completely grasp that concept), he just goes. He does not try to figure out how things work, or even care about different textures or colors or noises. He just bangs it on the floor, shoves it in his mouth, and throws it all around until it is out of reach. And he has so much fun doing it! If he finds something exciting, like a book for example, he hits it as hard as he can over and over and over again. Oh, my big little guy! Already I can see that Luke is not as outgoing as Anthony. He loves attention, but pretty much only from mom or dad, or in an environment where there are not a...