Oh, we just had a spectacular weekend. The perfect New England weekend really. We moved to New England when we got married 2 1/2 years ago, and now it is really growing on me. Rhode Island is just so beautiful. On Saturday we went to Watch Hill Beach with the kids. I forgot my camera, but found a picture of it online.
It is every bit as pretty as that picture shows, and there were not many people there either. Anthony just ran and ran and ran up and down the beach. He didn't even look back to see if Daddy was keeping up with him! He also loved going into the water, and watching the boats and the birds. This was Anthony and Luke's first time at the real beach. It was also our first time going to a RI beach! :)
Sunday was a lazy day. We went to church, and the boys slept most of the day.
Monday we went to a park in Jamestown with some friends. 4 couples, with 6 kids. It was such a wonderful, relaxing time.
Anthony spent a majority of our time there throwing rocks into the water. Just goes along with my theory that kids don't need any fancy toys. Just nature!
Sandy belly!!
Baby Luke is chillin out in the shade.
Anthony was fast asleep before we even packed the car up to go home! haha!
You can't tell me that is not beautiful!
We then went home, got cleaned up and went to a fourth of July cookout held by some friends.
Little Luke being very patriotic!
Anthony must have eaten about 10 pieces of watermelon!
Our friends Tiff and Kayden, who is 2 weeks older than Luke.
Anthony and Chloe became fast friends
Tired faces mean its time to go home!
No fireworks for us this year, but maybe next year! We will see :)
Hope everyone's holiday was fabulous as well.
Wow, reading this and seeing the pictures has just totally melted my heart.