This might sound ridiculous but I have been asking around to no avail. My friends, who are around the same age as my early-thirties self, are of no help when posed this question. I ask, and everything gets quiet as we sit in the silence, waiting for the magic answer. It doesn't come. I have asked women older than me who can give me no concrete direction. No light bulb moment. So I ask you, blogosphere: At what point, do you feel like a real grown-up? When my mom was my age, I was around...10. When I was 10 I thought my mom knew all the things. If my Mom didn't know then my dad (who hadn't celebrated his 35th birthday yet) DEFINITELY knew. No question. I had complete faith in my parent's decision making and parenting skills. They had it together. They were adults. You would think that with 4 children I would feel like an adult, but here is the truth: I have no idea what I am doing....
Faith, family, food & funnies.