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Showing posts from March, 2017

Honest Question

     This might sound ridiculous but I have been asking around to no avail.     My friends, who are around the same age as my early-thirties self, are of no help when posed this question. I ask, and everything gets quiet as we sit in the silence, waiting for the magic answer. It doesn't come. I have asked women older than me who can give me no concrete direction. No light bulb moment. So I ask you, blogosphere:  At what point, do you feel like a real grown-up?       When my mom was my age, I was around...10. When I was 10 I  thought my mom knew all the things. If my Mom didn't know then my dad (who hadn't celebrated his 35th birthday yet) DEFINITELY knew. No question. I had complete faith in my parent's decision making and parenting skills. They had it together. They were adults.      You would think that with 4 children I would feel like an adult, but here is the truth: I have no idea what I am doing....

Doozys, Close Calls and Gratitude

     Phew. Second post this year. We have officially made it, ladies and gents. So, upon further reflection on whether or not to resurrect Mommy's Potpourri from the blog grave, I thought of a few things: I could use a hobby. I'm sure you have seen those articles talking about how adult women need to have hobbies and stay true to themselves and pursue their passions. Right? (Or do those only get sent to me by people who know that I have no life outside of my house? Ha!!) Blogging is fun. I like it. I could totally be a blog hobbyist. A bloggy-ist, if you will.   Does blogging about my life inside of my house count as a hobby? Ok so how concerned should I be that I have four kids and zero hobbies? How much does a ukulele cost? What if I put my learning how to play the ukulele in my blog that is now only MOSTLY about things that happen inside of my house (because I will play said ukulele outside, in the park)?      Now that I feel really wonder...