Hey there kiddo. You're cute. Can you do me a little favor though? Can you please stop getting stuck in your crib? Arms, legs, feet, knees, elbows... goodness gracious what are you doing in there? You cannot escape by going through. Today after hearing that increasingly familiar wail of dispair, I ran in to find you really really stuck. I don't even know how you got your knee that far through the slats of your crib. Incredible. I could not get it free and we were both starting to panic. But then, I remembered something I had seen when I was a kid, and a lightbulb went off. I greased up your chubby knee with vegetable oil to get you free. Desperate times, indeed. To be completely honest, it was my last resort before calling the fire department. Yes. I would have called the fire department, because amputation is like one of my top 5 all-time-biggest fears (right up there with being locked in a car underwater, and million legged bugs.)You can thank me later, when you still ...
Faith, family, food & funnies.