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Showing posts from April, 2014

Dear Ethan...

Hey there kiddo. You're cute. Can you do me a little favor though? Can you please stop getting stuck in your crib? Arms, legs, feet, knees, elbows... goodness gracious what are you doing in there?  You cannot escape by going through. Today after hearing that increasingly familiar wail of dispair, I ran in to find you really really stuck. I don't even know how you got your knee that far through the slats of your crib. Incredible. I could not get it free and we were both starting to panic. But then, I remembered something I had seen when I was a kid, and a lightbulb went off. I greased up your chubby knee with vegetable oil to get you free. Desperate times, indeed. To be completely honest, it was my last resort before calling the fire department. Yes. I would have called the fire department, because amputation is like one of my top 5 all-time-biggest fears (right up there with being locked in a car underwater, and million legged bugs.)You can thank me later, when you still ...

Curriculum Ideas

I know this is not the most interesting post, but I am writing it for my own reference more than anything else. Here are my curriculum ideas as of right now: Anthony needs/enjoys being challenged in math and reading. So, I want to make sure our curriculum has strong math and gives him lots of reading practice. Math U See  - after some research, I think this program will be perfect for my smart and wiggly worms. I really like how the guy on the video explains the concepts, and I know that Anthony will too. I also believe Luke will do well with this program as well, when his time comes :) Five In A Row  I also want to make sure that our curriculum can easily be adjusted to include my younger 2 children. This curriculum seems PERFECT for that purpose. Also, it has tons of reading (of GOOD children's literature) and seems easy on me as far as prep time/materials/ etc. goes. At the same time though, there seems to be a lot of room to create fun activities and be inspired by...

The beginning...

Researching curriculum for homeschooling my son come the fall, and I feel like my head is going to explode. Really. My head might explode. And Pinterest. Don't even get me started. I am all for crafty moms (and fully accept that I will never ever be one), but holy cow! Homeschooling crafty moms take things to a whole new level. One that I will never be on. Goodness gracious. Friday and Saturday I will be attending a homeschool convention, and I am hoping it is not too overwhelming. Because I feel pretty overwhelmed right now. Hopefully one day I will be a homeschooling veteran, and look back on this post and laugh. Hopefully I will whisper to myself...'Calm down. Deep breath. It's going to be alright.' Because honestly, as I see many bloggers and experienced homeschoolers telling me to relax, it is really difficult. *Breathe.

Happy Birthday Luke!

Happy Birthday to my sweet Lukie-bear! Our tough little cuddle-bug is 3 years old today! For birthdays, we always decorate the house with crepe paper, and a floor full of balloons. So simple, but they love it. On Saturday we are going to have a small family party, that I have not thought/planned out yet... oops! I cannot wait to give him is new bike later on today! He is going to love it! I made the mistake of telling Anthony to keep it a surprise. Let's just say he did not. At all. In fact, I was inspired to give him a middle name. Which he thinks is hilarious and is oddly proud of. Say hello to Anthony "Spoiler" Johnson (wearing one Mommy-sock and one Daddy-sock) HAHA! I think Luke will still be surprised and excited though.  I cannot believe he is already 3. Of course I keep thinking back to the afternoon I went into labor with him. My poor friend, Leeta, saw me yelling in pain before heading to the hospital. I was so embarrassed. I tried to h...

Spring Seedlings

     I cannot tell you enough how eagerly we have been awaiting the arrival of Spring!! We are especially excited because our new house comes with a little yard to enjoy, dig up, get dirty in, and hold science experiments! We had a lovely yard where we lived right before buying this house, but there is just something sweet about really being able to call something your own.       Anyway, I love Spring, and I also love Target. They sell these little seed kits, which I just love. So today, the boys and I learned all about seeds, what they need to grow, and planted our own! We also made a little seed journal thing that I found a template for on Pinterest (I love pinterest!) but I didn't take any pictures of that. Here are my little gardeners! Granted, I really doubt our seeds will actually grow, because the strawberry seeds were so small and it was so windy out that most of them blew away. Maybe our sunflowers will turn out though!     ...

Funny Monkey!

    I don't know what we would do without our yearly zoo pass to Roger Williams. We only live a few miles away, so we get to go quite often when the weather is nice. Today is one of those days that I wish I had brought my camera with me.     Anthony had a toy car and the monkey was right up next to the glass trying to take it from him. Anthony was driving the car up and down and all around, and the monkey was trying to grab it. It was so funny. There was quite a crowd that gathered to watch the hilariousness, and the kids were all laughing hysterically. It was definitely the best time we have ever had there.

Future Volcanologist

Here is a video of my sweet little guy. He is 4 and loves volcanoes. I bought him a little book about them, and he was so excited to get it in the mail that I had to take a video of him reading his new favorite book. This summer, I hope to be able to construct one and do a demo or something outside with the boys. I think they would love that.