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Showing posts from April, 2012

Our first big boo-boo

Having 2 boys, I tried to prepare myself for the reality that the boys are going to get hurt. They will probably break a bone, skin their fair share of knees, and see the inside of an emergency room more than once in their adventurous childhoods. But nothing prepares you for that horrifying moment where you hear that blood-curdling scream, and see blood but cannot identify it's source. It happened yesterday when we were at the park. Anthony tried to go down something that is meant for climbing. He lost his footing, and I caught him before he hit the ground. Then came the scream, and the blood. He bit straight through his tongue. We called the doctor who asked a lot of questions and determined that a trip to the emergency room was not necessary. Today Anthony seems fine. He is talking and eating and his tongue looks much better, thank God. I know this is just the first of many injuries, but even though I know that, I doubt that scary feeling will ever go away.